Polish Investment Zone



The investment area was established in 1995 and is located mainly in the south-eastern part of Poland, in the border regions, which means additional potential for cross-border economic, cultural and tourist cooperation. The area is located in the immediate vicinity of the eastern border of the European Union - the proximity of the borders with Ukraine and Slovakia creates favorable conditions for locating suppliers and recipients on foreign markets. The constantly developing transport infrastructure creates the potential for EURO-PARK MIELEC. The area is crossed by the main communication routes leading from the north to the south and from the east to the west of Europe, i.e. the A4 motorway (east-west relations, belonging to the 3rd Pan-European Transport Corridor), the S19 expressway (part of the international Via Carpatia north-south route) as well as the availability of rail infrastructure and air transport (airports: Rzeszów, Lublin and local airports in Mielec and Krosno).

Zone map: divided into Voivodships and Poviats
map of Poland
SEZ map

Advantages and successes of the EURO-PARK MIELEC SEZ:
  • aviation production in Mielec and other locations was maintained and developed - PZL Mielec was restructured, production of the Black Hawk helicopter was launched and other aviation companies were acquired to invest in the zone, i.e. MTU Aero Engines, Goodrich Aerospace, Hamilton Sundstrand, Gardner Aerospace and a number of others,
  • in the EURO-PARK MIELEC area, the highest level of public aid in the EU (50%) and the validity period of the decision on support (15 years) apply,
  • greenfield sites with full infrastructure and communication access, brownfield production facilities and "build-to-suit" (BTS) - turnkey facilities,
  • availability of managerial and production staff - EURO-PARK MIEELEC has traditions in the aviation, automotive, metal processing (Rzeszów, Mielec, Świdnik), plastics processing (Dębica) and food (Lublin) industries as well as the development of new specializations, such as modern BPO services and IT (Rzeszów, Lublin),
  • we offer business incubators for starting a business (Mielec, Rzeszów, Krosno, Lublin),
  • industrial parks as well as science and technology parks, are friendly places to develop business activities - investment areas with technical and road infrastructure, e.g. Science and Technology Park Rzeszów-Dworzysko,
  • National Key Cluster "Aviation Valley" supporting the development of one of the most technologically advanced industries in the world in the south-eastern region of Poland,
  • professional investor service "one-stop shop".

  • The total amount of capital expenditure incurred by all the companies operating in the Zone: approx. PLN 11.8 billion
  • Total employment in the Zone: over 36.5 thousand jobs created

Major investors in the Zone:

Investor Country of origin Sector
Polish Aviation Works USA aviation
MTU Aero Engines Polska Germany
BURY Poland electronics
KIRCHHOFF Polska Germany aviation
Fabryka Cukierków "Pszczółka" Poland grocery
Kronospan Mielec Austria timber processing
Polskie Zakłady Zbożowe Lubella GMW Poland grocery
SPLAST Poland plastics
ML SYSTEM Poland photovoltaics

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Zone Management

Special Economic Zone EURO-PARK MIELEC
Industrial Development Agency S.A. Branch in Mielec
ul. Partyzantów 25
39-300 Mielec
phone: +48 17 788 72 36
fax: +48 17 788 77 69
e-mail: europark@arp.pl

Contacts for investors:

Marcin Nanuś-Łęcki - Expert
phone: +48 17 788 72 36 ext. 133
e-mail: marcin.nanus-lecki@arp.pl

Dominika Błaszczak - Chief Specialist
phone: +48 17 788 72 36 ext. 220
e-mail: dominika.blaszczak@arp.pl

Marcin Pogoda - Chief Specialist
phone: +48 17 788 72 36 ext. 210
e-mail: marcin.pogoda@arp.pl

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