Polish regions

Regional Investor and Exporter Service Centres (COIE)

The tasks carried out by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency(PAIH) are supported by a nationwide network of Certified Partners of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency under the name - Investor and Exporter Service Centres. COIE was established on the initiative of PAIH, in close cooperation with the Marshals of all 16 Voivodeships. The centres operate mainly within the structures of the Marshal offices and Regional Development Agencies, they are also responsible for the promotion of their region.

COIE staff operate in accordance with investor and exporter service standards recommended by the Polish Investment and Trade Agency. The are trained by the Agency's experts and provided with constant substantive assistance from PAIH’s experts. Each unit covers the area of the Voivodeship in which it is based and is a source of current data on the Voivodeship's economy. The centres post and monitor the validity of investment offers in PAIH’s Investment Offer Generator. They also have contact databases with Local Governments in the Communes and with business-related institutions working for the development of the Voivodeship.

The COIE’s main objective is to provide a comprehensive service to investors and support the internationalization of companies at the Voivodeship level. The centres cooperate with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency in handling investment projects and independently provide services to investors and exporters who contact them directly.

Dolnośląskie Voivodship »

Lower Silesian Agency for Economic Cooperation
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Kasztanowa Avenue 3a - 5
53-125 Wrocław
Phone: +48 71 736 63 11

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship »

Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Departament for the promotion of the Economy and Investments
Department of Economic Development
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Kopernika 4 - room 16, 18
87-100 Toruń
(correspondence address: Plac Teatralny 2, 87-100 Toruń)
Phone: +48 56 62 18 319, +48 56 62 12 503
coi@kujawsko-pomorskie.pl, rg.sekretariat@kujawsko-pomorskie.pl

Lubelskie Voivodship »

Lubelskie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Department of Economy
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Grottgera 4 Str., III floor
20-029 Lublin
Phone: +48 81 537 16 51

Lubuskie Voivodship »

Lubuskie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Department of Economy and Development
Entrepreneurship Support Division
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Chrobrego 1-3-5 Str.
65-043 Zielona Góra
Phone: +48 68 45 65 462

Łódzkie Voivodship »

Łódzkie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Promotion Department
Entrepreneurship Promotion Division
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
8 Piłsudskiego Ave.
90-051 Łódź
Phone: +48 42 291 98 51, +48 42 291 97 78

Małopolskie Voivodship »

Business in Małopolska Centre
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Podole 60 Str.
30-394 Kraków
Phone: +48 12 620 91 40

Mazowieckie Voivodship »

Agency for Development of Mazovia
Entrepreneurship and Investment Centre
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Świętojerska 9 Str.
00-236 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 566 47 60

Opolskie Voivodship »

Opolskie Centre Of Economy Development
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Krakowska 38 Str.
45-075 Opole
Phone: +48 77 40 33 645, +48 77 40 33 646, +48 77 40 33 648
invest@ocrg.opolskie.pl, biuro@ocrg.opolskie.pl

Podkarpackie Voivodship »

Podkarpackie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Department of Regional Development
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Lubelska 4 Str.
35-241 Rzeszów
Phone: +48 17 743 30 32, +48 17 743 32 71
e-mail: m.dojnik@podkarpackie.pl, coie@podkarpackie.pl

Rzeszów Regional Development Agency
Management Department of the Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS / Investor Assistance Centre
Jasionka 954
36-002 Jasionka
Phone: +48 17 77 36 853, +48 17 77 36 832
e-mail: coi@rarr.rzeszow.pl, mrzucidlo@rarr.rzeszow.pl, jsmulski@rarr.rzeszow.pl

Podlaskie Voivodship »

Podlaskie Voivodship Marshal's Office
Economic Promotion Office
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Wyszyńskiego 1 Str.
15-888 Białystok
Phone: +48 85 66 54 457, +48 85 66 54 985, +48 85 66 54 870

Pomorskie Voivodship »

Pomerania Development Agency Co.
Invest in Pomerania
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
472 D Grunwaldzka Ave.
(Olivia Business Centre - Olivia Six)
80-309 Gdańsk
Phone: +48 58 32 33 256
e-mail: office@investinpomerania.pl

Śląskie Voivodship »

Marshal Office of the Silesian Voivodeship
Department of Promotion, Economy and Tourism
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
46, Ligonia Str.
40-037 Katowice
Phone: +48 32 77 44 503
coie@slaskie.pl, pg@slaskie.pl, gospodarka@slaskie.pl

Świętokrzyskie Voivodship »

Świętokrzyskie Voivodship Marshal’s Office
Investment and Development Department
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
Sienkiewicza 63 Str.
25-002 Kielce
Phone: +48 41 395 12 59

Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship »

Marshal's Office of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship
Promotion Coordination Department
Investors and Exporters Service Centre
Głowackiego 17 Str.
10-447 Olsztyn
Phone: +48 89 512 51 70

Wielkopolskie Voivodship »

The Association of Wielkopolska Municipalities and Counties
Investor Assistance Centre
Piekary 17 Str.
61-823 Poznań
Phone: +48 61 22 40 797
office@sgipw.wlkp.pl, coi@investinwielkopolska.pl

Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship »

Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship Marshal’s Office
Centre for Economic Initiatives
Investor and Exporter Assistance Centre
pl. Hołdu Pruskiego 9
(Maris Office Center)
70-550 Szczecin
Phone: +48 91 432 96 96