
FOOD EXPO GREECE 2022 and a Polish Trade Mission to Greece

On March 12-14, 2022, a trade mission of Polish companies to Greece took place. Entrepreneurs from Polish participated in the International Trade Fair FOOD EXPO GREECE 2022

 FOOD EXPO GREECE 2022 and a Polish Trade Mission to Greece

Food Expo Greece is the largest trade fair in the Balkans dedicated to the food industry. This year's fair was a great success. The event gathered over 30,000 visitors and as many as 1200 exhibitors, including 25 companies from Poland. The Polish Investment and Trade Agency was represented during the event by its Foreign Trade Office (ZBH) in Greece. As part of its participation in the fair, ZBH Athens organized a promotional stand, thanks to which companies from Poland were able to present their offer. Polish products were very popular among entrepreneurs from Greece.

Greek imports from the agri-food sector are estimated at around €5.5 billion. The increased demand for food products depends mainly on the constantly growing number of tourists in Greece. For many years now, Polish agri-food products have been selling well here. Our biggest export hit from the food industry is beef, but we also sell large quantities of dairy products. In addition, almost every mushroom that we see on the shelves in Greek supermarkets came from Poland, just like the tomatoes that tourists enjoy every day when eating a Greek salad. A large part of these sun-kissed "Greek" tomatoes comes from Polish crops. - informed Marta Szajbel-Nikolaou, head of ZBH Athens, about the agri-food industry in Greece.

During the fair, PAIH’s Greek ZBH organized a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Athens Artur Lompart and the Head of the Political and Economic Department Tomasz Wiśniewski. In an interview, the Ambassador expressed his appreciation of the Polish exhibition stand and the extremely rich export offer.

Thanks to the very long list of exhibitors from around the world, companies from Poland had the opportunity to establish numerous business contacts during the fair. Food Expo was an excellent opportunity for Polish entrepreneurs in the food and beverage industry to start commercial cooperation with Greece.

I would like to thank PAIH very much. Coming to Greece gave my company "Tarczyński" a lot in terms of strategy for the Greek market. It will allow us to consciously promote the brand and widely appear with our products in stores in Greece. During the trip, I got to know the tastes of Greek consumers, during my short conversations with people who tried samples of our products on the stand. Thanks to the professional organization of the stand and the fair itself, I had the opportunity to gain interesting contacts, some of which will certainly turn into joint business activities. The value of conversations with representatives of other Polish companies exhibiting at the fair, cannot be overestimated, the exchange of experience with them directed me to interesting ideas on how to reach customers. I am sure it will be worth visiting Greece more often, exhibiting at the next fair and developing cooperation. - said Tomasz Kędzierski, Export Manager of Tarczyński S.A., about participation in Food Expo.

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